Model Rocketry Safety

Model Rocketry Safety
The hobby, along with Estes Industries, has developed rocketry with safety in mind. When combined, the following aspects maintain safety for end users every step of the way:
- Patented Estes technology mass-produces rocket engines in a reliable and reproducible manner, in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 1125
- National Association of Rocketry certifies and tests rocket motors to validate safety
- Launch systems ensure rockets are electrically ignited from an appropriate distance
- Launch pads provide initial launch guidance to keep the rocket flying upwards in the appropriate direction.
NAR Safety Code
The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) developed and maintains a safety code that is utilized by all rocketeers. Be sure to review and understand the code before going out for a launch. You can also watch our video that outlines each part of the code.
Learn the Basics
Model rockets are safe when the user takes the time and effort to understand the science and precautions when building and launching their rockets. Join us for a training to learn safety fundamentals and get your questions answered.
Local Launch Support
If you are looking for a launch field or have further questions about launch restrictions in your area, reach out to your local NAR Chapter! Members are a valuable resource in your own community.