

A Estes partnership is a great way to elevate your program or company! We offer many different services to our partners along with training & content. If you are interested in partnering, schedule a meeting to share ideas and discuss opportunities.

We have an experienced and trained team ready to work with you and your organization. 

Meet with Us
  • Expertise & Workforce Development

    We are the experts in model rocketry for over 60 years. We can provide trainings and support to elevate your program or company.

  • Curriculum & Content Development

    We utilize modern approaches to learning to create engaging lessons and activities for the next generation. Collaborate with us for specialized content.

  • Products, Sales & Distribution

    We have an extensive suite of products, including custom kits. Connect with us to expand your brand recognition.


4-H Colorado

This collaboration centers around 4-H's model rocketry curriculum and supporting the development of updated content.

What our Partner says about us: "Colorado 4-H Youth Development has enjoyed working with Estes Industries to develop new Model Rocketry curriculum for the 4-H Model Rocketry project. The dedication and expertise of Estes staff in our collaboration has been extremely valuable and will serve the youth of Colorado who pursue an interest in Model Rocketry well for years to come"

Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) 

The goal of this partnership is to support the STEM programs and outreach offered by AIA which include the American Rocketry Challenge and Aerospace STEM Club.

Club for the Future & Blue Origin

Through licensed products, we support Blue Origin's educational non-profit Club for the Future. We also collaborated to create exciting educational content: classroom mission simulations.

What our Partner says about us: "In partnership with Estes Rockets, we created Blue Origin New Shepard builders kits. We are honored to work with Estes Rockets and hope to inspire rocketeers of all ages"

Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)

EAA AeroEdcuate Badge

AeroEducate is a free, K-12 youth aviation exploration resource program created by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) in cooperation and in partnership with universities and organizations from across the aviation world.

At its core, AeroEducate is based on a professionally developed series of activities and an innovative digital badging system. Students who participate in AeroEducate will explore and develop their interests in a wide variety of STEAM-related (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) subjects, using the excitement of aviation as the framework and a source of inspiration. Working through a menu of more than 200 activities, students can track their progress by earning digital badges demonstrating skills and knowledge, and ultimately gain access to several valuable graduate options and opportunities.

Access AeroEducate activities

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) & American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
This multi-year collaboration is centered around Exploration Generation, a collection of K-12 lesson plans and professional learning centered around aerospace education. Estes also manages a grant, funded by the AIAA, as part of this collaboration.
Space Foundation
We collaborate to support the Space Foundation’s Center for Innovation and Education, which includes K-12 educational and entrepreneurial programming, with products and resources.
FIRE Rocket Challenge
The Fire Rocket Challenge introduces middle and high school youth to the exciting world of STEM through aerospace principles, career options, model rocketry, and competition.

The program provides students with opportunities to become problem-solvers, STEM proficient, and confident they have "the right stuff" to become leaders in the aerospace industry. Given our organization's longevity as a leader in preparing pre-college-aged students to pursue degrees and careers in STEM fields successfully, the rocket program is a "go for launch" with the intent of being a catalyst for developing the next generation of rocket scientists!


We have a great group of collaborators that support us in bringing learn to new heights. Join this list by reaching out. Contact us to learn more!