Toshiba American Foundation Grants

TAF grants seek to promote project-based learning in STEM classrooms. TAF is interested in funding innovative projects designed by teachers or small teams of teachers that are working to find better ways to help their students learn. Teachers for Grades K-5 can apply for grants up to $1000 (October 1 deadline), and Grades 6-12 can apply for grants up to $5000 (March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1 deadlines). Grants are also available for over $5000 for grades 6-12 evaluated May 1 and November 1.

Issuer: Private For-profit
Awardee: K-12 Educators
Amount: Up to $1000 or $5000
Deadline: Varies

Link to 6-12 Grants

Link to K-5 Grants

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