Model Rocket Safety Tips!


Model Rocket Safety Tips!

Did you know model rocketry is safer than playing soccer or football?

You may be surprised, but it's true! Safety always comes first, and at Estes Education, all of our products align with these guidelines. The key to safely flying model rockets is to follow the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) Model Rocket Safety Code

Below we break down the basics of model rocket safety to help you confidently launch rockets with your students. Don't miss our epic Safety Rap video at the bottom of the page that you can share with your students!

1. Materials & Engine Safety

Your students rocket should only use lightweight materials like balsa wood, light plastics, paper and cardboard - metal is never permitted. When it comes to engines, only use certified, commercially available rocket engines. We have plenty of options to choose from here


2. Launch Safety

For a safe launch, ensure that your student's model rockets are stable and weigh less than 1,500 grams. Always use electric launch systems like these and have all students countdown before the launch, every time. This ensures that everyone is paying attention at a safe distance of at least 15 feet away. If there is a misfire, ALWAYS wait at least 60 seconds after the last launch attempt before letting anyone near the rocket.

Pro Tip: An easy way to test rocket stability is the overhead swing test. Check out our video on stability!


3. Flight & Site Safety

Your launch site should be an open outdoor area, such as a football field or park. The bigger the engine, the larger the space you'll need. Remember to check the weather - no launches in high winds (over 20 mph) or low visibility (night or heavy clouds). Finally, clear any brush or dry leaves before launch to prevent fire hazards.

Check out our video about how to launch with a large group here and subscribe to our YouTube channel for even more tips! 


4. Recovery Safety

Space Shuttle Recovery

There are many types of recovery systems, such as parachutes and streamers, that allow model rockets to safely return to the ground. All eyes should be on the rocket, from liftoff to touchdown. If the rocket's descent veers off course, always use caution. Never recover the rocket from power lines, tall trees or other dangerous places.

Pro Tip: Our new Space Shuttle features a unique glider and parachute recovery system!


Take STEM Beyond Textbooks!

Model rocketry blasts students into a world of practical science. They'll experiment with aerodynamics, calculate trajectories, and optimize designs – all while building teamwork and problem-solving skills. It's a launchpad for future STEM innovators!

All of this can be done safely, creating unforgettable learning experiences for your students!

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